Law Enforcement Training

January 22, 2017

Continued Training for Police Officers Crucial to Safety

Continued Training for Police Officers Crucial to Safety Aiming at a paper target is much different than what you’ll see in real-life scenario as a police officer. The stress, the danger, and the split-second decisions you’ll face call for preparation beyond basic training. To be effective as a law enforcement officer, you must have effective training. Police Officer Weapons Training Law enforcement officers are held accountable for every action taken, and if a weapon is fired, each move will be retrospectively analyzed to ensure lethal force was necessary. As a police officer, your training has to equip you to know […]
December 4, 2016
law enforcement training

Police Firearms Training Not Effective, Study Suggests

Police Firearms Training Not Effective, Study Suggests A unique study conducted by the Force Science Institute suggests police recruit firearms training doesn’t make officers any more skilled in shooting than someone who has never shot a gun. While that may seem outlandish, take a look at the details. Participants The test subjects consisted of 195 male and 52 female recruits and students. Participants were at three different locations – two police academies and one college that offered a law enforcement preparation program. About 25% of the subjects had previously completed academy firearms training; the majority had not. The participants were […]