
Customer Testimonials

“Because of their outstanding dedication and continual training, we continue to utilize the services of Optimum Defense Services as a force multiplier for the US Government across the globe.”- Nate Young, Vice President; DECO Inc.

“Just took your class last month. Have been practicing the observation techniques (deciding which cars to stop) and interviewing techniques that I learned in your class. Still have not made a huge bust (I work night shift for regular patrol and do not get a lot of time to sit on Hwy 17 and observe traffic). However, last night I saw a vehicle which displayed quite a few clues that I learned from class. Initiated a traffic stop after it made an improper lane/turn. No drugs were found but passenger was huge drug dealer in Horry County and was wanted by US Marshals and ATF with full extradition. I also seized a little over $6000 from the stop, for possible forfeiture. Detectives will now handle the seizure but I figured I’d let you know about the bust. Thank you for a great class and teaching me some useful skills that are starting to pay off.” – Officer Hoard, NMBPD

“The Surfside Beach Police Department hosted this class last week, and the class is being held in April at their facility in Georgetown. Our patrol and K9 Officers gave rave reviews of the training and the credibility of the instructors. We will be sending more Officers to this upcoming class and plan to push all uniform patrol Officers through it eventually. We highly recommend this training.”  – Kenneth Hofmann, Interim Chief of Police, Surfside Beach Police Department

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